“Why scientists should also be revolutionaries” – Professor David Nutt
When: 8 May 2017 @ 5pm
Where: Powell LT, Physics Building
What: NeuroSoc is very excited to announce that we have invited Professor David Nutt (Imperial College London) back to update us on his research.
Prof Nutt’s notable research includes: Neurochemical Binding Profiles of MDMA, LSD Enhancing the Emotional Response to Music, Mechanisms of Action by Drugs of Abuse, Illegal Drug Laws and Pharmacological Studies on New Psychoactive Substances
For those of you who are interested in looking at his research in more detail: https://www.imperial.a c.uk/people/d.nutt/publication s.html
Books will be for sale and for signing!
This is a FREE ticketed event and University of Bristol students and staff across all faculties are cordially invited!
Tickets are to be obtained here: http://www.bristolsu.org .uk/groups/biosoc-0f96/events/ david-nutt-why-scientists-shou ld-also-be-revolutionaries
Any questions? Contact uobneurosoc@gmail.com or sr14131@bristol.ac.uk