Become an Associate Member of the RCPsych for free
Think you might Choose Psychiatry as your specialty? Why not discover where psychiatry can take you?
The RCPsych is offering free membership to medical students and foundation doctors that want to learn more about psychiatry as a career.
Membership gives you the opportunity to –
- Network: you’ll be invited to events aimed at your career stage and receive discounted rates for the College’s International Congress
- Learn: with free access to e-learning modules through Trainees Online (TrOn)
- Stay up to date: through regular newsletters and updates from the College and free access to many of the College’s fantastic journals like BJ Psych.
Think you might #ChoosePsychiatry? The RCPsych is offering free membership so students and foundation doctors can network and learn more about the specialty. For more info visit
Think you might #ChoosePsychiatry? Sign up for free @rcpsych membership to network, learn and stay up to date with the specialty