The Deadliest Mental Health Disease – What do you know about eating disorders?

By | December 11, 2018

UoB Psychiatry Society and Beat This Together present:

The Deadliest Mental Health Disease – What do you know about eating disorders?

For so long, eating disorders have been misrepresented in the media and misunderstood by the public. Using a mixture of health care professionals, charity representative and personal stories, this free, public event aims to increase awareness, knowledge and understanding of eating disorders.

Eating disorders do not only affect young girls. Eating disorders are not only food-restrictive based. Eating disorders come in all shapes and sizes

We want to show people how having an eating disorder can affect your life, your family and friends’ lives and your community. We want to show you how you can seek help and what recovery looks and feels like.

The event begins at 7pm with a talk from an Eating Disorder Specialist Psychiatrist, followed by talks from a representative of BEAT, Molly Gorman (writer of the body-positive blog ‘The Health Diary’), and personal stories from two UoB students.

A panel discussion with the above people will begin around 8pm.

There will be FREE CAKE AND WINE!

We will also be having a raffle to raise money for the amazing eating disorder charity, ‘BEAT’!

We hope to see you there!

Kind regards,

UoB PsychSoc and Beat This Together