Southampton Inspire Academic Society (SIAS) are delighted to invite you to their 2018 Annual National Undergraduate Medicine Research Conference. Southampton Inspire Academic Society (SIAS) which is sponsored by the Academy of Medical Sciences to promote academia and academic activity to medical students.
We would like to invite you to join us for a day of talks, workshops and student poster and oral presentations on Saturday 24th February, at Southampton General Hospital, South Academic Block, Lecture Theatre Foyer.
Guest speakers include Dr David Breen and Mr Robert Lane:
Mr Robert Lane is the President of the International federation of Surgical Colleges, and founder of the International Collaboration for Essential Surgery. Both efforts promote and help teach the effective use of low-cost surgical care to save lives and prevent disability around the world, especially in low-middle income countries, from cataracts and club foot, to managing obstructive labour, appendicitis and trauma.
Dr David Breen is a consultant interventional radiologist oncologist who pioneered image-guided thermoablation and cryoablation to treat abdominal cancers. Dr Breen is also Vice President of NHS England’s Interventional Radiology clinical reference group and specialist adviser to NICE looking at new cancer interventions.
Workshops on the day include: PlayDoh Anatomy, How to Get Publications and Research Opportunities (by Dr Zeshan Qureshi, author of the ‘Unofficial Guide Series’) , How to Write a Medical CV, and How to Critically Appraise a Paper.
Students are able to submit a 300 word abstract. Top abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, others will be given poster presentations.
Please email your abstract to
Abstract submission closes on February 2nd 2018, for chance to win a £50 or £30 Amazon vouchers! Successful applicants will be contacted by email.
Please register for tickets using the link below, so we have numbers for catering (lunch and refreshments will be provided):
Deposit of £5 for the ticket, refunded on attendance!