2018 ESMO-ESO Courses on Medical Oncology for Medical Students

For any clinical student interested in a career in oncology 

ESMO-ESO Courses on Medical Oncology for Medical Students taking place on 19-24 July 2018 in Valencia, Spain and on 2-7 September 2018 in Naples, Italy.

These five-day residential courses are open mainly to 4th year medical students undergraduates worldwide. 90 seats are available in Valencia and 50 seats are available in Naples. Selected students will receive free registration, free accommodation and a travel grant. Additional information is available online at their: dedicated webpage.

Students will express their preference for the location in the application formApplication deadline: 15 April 2018. 

Medical students and intimate examinations: What affects whether a woman will consent?

Alex Armitage (MB ChB Bristol) did a Year 4 SSC for which he obtained ethical approval and went through all the appropriate processes to do the work. Several years later, it is now published and this is an ongoing testament to the great work our students do as part of the SSC portfolio – art, sciences etc. Read the article here: Medical students and intimate examinations What affects whether a woman will consent

2018 Annual National Undergraduate Medicine Research

Southampton Inspire Academic Society (SIAS) are delighted to invite you to their 2018 Annual National Undergraduate Medicine Research Conference. Southampton Inspire Academic Society (SIAS) which is sponsored by the Academy of Medical Sciences to promote academia and academic activity to medical students.

We would like to invite you to join us for a day of talks, workshops and student poster and oral presentations on Saturday 24th February, at Southampton General Hospital, South Academic Block, Lecture Theatre Foyer.
Guest speakers include Dr David Breen and Mr Robert Lane:


Mr Robert Lane is the President of the International federation of Surgical Colleges, and founder of the International Collaboration for Essential Surgery. Both efforts promote and help teach the effective use of low-cost surgical care to save lives and prevent disability around the world, especially in low-middle income countries, from cataracts and club foot, to managing obstructive labour, appendicitis and trauma.

Dr David Breen is a consultant interventional radiologist oncologist who pioneered image-guided thermoablation and cryoablation to treat abdominal cancers. Dr Breen is also Vice President of NHS England’s Interventional Radiology clinical reference group and specialist adviser to NICE looking at new cancer interventions.


Workshops on the day include: PlayDoh Anatomy, How to Get Publications and Research Opportunities (by Dr Zeshan Qureshi, author of the ‘Unofficial Guide Series’) , How to Write a Medical CV, and How to Critically Appraise a Paper.


Students are able to submit a 300 word abstract. Top abstracts will be selected for oral presentations, others will be given poster presentations.

Please email your abstract to inspire@soton.ac.uk
Abstract submission closes on February 2nd 2018, for chance to win a £50 or £30 Amazon vouchers! Successful applicants will be contacted by email.

Please register for tickets using the link below, so we have numbers for catering (lunch and refreshments will be provided):

Deposit of £5 for the ticket, refunded on attendance!


The BHMA Student Essay Prize – £250

Closing date: Saturday, 31st March 2018

For the twelfth year, the British Holistic Medical Association prize of £250 will be awarded to the undergraduate healthcare or medical student who submits the best 1,500-word essay on the following topic:

“Social Prescribing – are drugs or people the better cure?”

Use this essay to radically and critically consider the future of healthcare in the context of social prescribing. Please use examples to illustrate your arguments.

This is a good opportunity to enhance your CV. The winning essay will be published in the Journal of Holistic Healthcare and the top three entries on our website.

Please submit your essay with your name, address, email, university or college, course attending and year of study, and send by e-mail to: Elizabeth.croton@nhs.net

For more info see: www.bhma.org

Emergency Medicine Undergraduate Essay Prize 2018

Applications are invited for the 2018 Royal College of Emergency Medicine Undergraduate Essay Prize.

Prize includes:

  • £1,000
  • Reasonable travel, accommodation and registration fee for the RCEM/EuSEM Scientific Conference 2018 in Glasgow
  • One year membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

Applicants are required to be a medical student at a recognised teaching institution within the UK but are not required to be a member of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. There will be one prize awarded and the value of the prize will be £1,000. The RCEM Emergency Medicine Undergraduate Essay Prize winner 2018 will be required to present their work at the RCEM/EuSEM Scientific Conference 2018 which will take place in Glasgow. The prize will in addition fund the winner’s reasonable travel, accommodation and registration fee for the RCEM/EUSEM Scientific Conference 2018 and a one year membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine.

The essay should describe original Emergency Medicine research (not previously been published in a journal or presented at a major UK/international conference and with a clear applicability to EM). The essay has a word limit of 1500 words including any tables, figures, headings and references; entrants will be penalized for submissions in excess of this. Up to 2 figures/tables are allowed.

The paper must avoid any reference to any institution or anything that may reveal the author’s identity. Only one applicant can be considered per submission. Applicants may (but are not required to) use traditional scientific paper headings (i.e. background, methods, results, discussion and conclusions). The winning submission will also be automatically considered for publication in the Emergency Medicine Journal.

Applicants must have played an important part in the relevant research and must have personally written the submitted work. The Award will be determined by the Research & Publications Committee of the College of Emergency Medicine, with or without the advice of external assessors.

Applications along with a completed application form which both must be written in English should be submitted in Microsoft Word format electronically to simon.howes@rcem.ac.uk by 17:00 Friday 30 March 2017.

For more information, contact: Dr Matt Reed, Emergency Medicine Consultant, Edinburgh on 0131 242 1338 or matthew.reed@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Oxford University Summer School for Medical Humanities at Green Templeton College 22-28 July 2018

Are you a medical student who is interested in how humanities subjects can help develop your skills? Are you a humanities student who wants to make connections with other disciplines in humanities and sciences?

Medical Humanities

Oxford’s top academics will introduce you to the interface between clinical medicine and narrative, philosophy, law, ethics, gender studies, hierarchies, history, history of the emotions, art history, theatre, body language, theology, management, observation — and more …

 Key details

15 students; £1200 (all-inclusive); application deadline 9 March 2018*

Apply via our webpage: www.gtc.ox.ac.uk/medhums-summerschool.html

Inquiries: gtcmdlit@gtc.ox.ac.uk


*the Alumi association have travel bursaries which may help with costs http://www.bristol.ac.uk/alumni/the-alumni-association/.

2018 Aungshuk Ghosh e-Learning prize – call for nominations

The Aungshuk Ghosh prize is open to all Bristol medical students that have developed innovative technology-enhanced material during their time as an undergraduate. The aim of the prize is to reward and recognise the innovative use of technology or e-learning, which has made a valuable contribution to medical education. This prize is awarded by the Faculty to a medical student on the Bristol MB ChB programme.

Examples of using technology in innovative ways include:

Using short films, video, audio and animations in creative ways

Development of apps or other material for mobile learning

Manikins to test clinical skills

Innovative online learning packages, such as tutorials, video, audio and animations

Developing case studies to work with human patient simulators

Innovative use of social media of medical education

Evaluating the role of a particular technology that leads to changes within the curriculum

Innovations that support peer-to-peer working

More details are available at http://bristel.cfme.org.uk/2018-elearning-prize/. The deadline for nominations is 12noon on Wednesday 7th February 2018.

MBChB Newsletter – academic year 2017-18 No. 3

MB ChB Student newsletter number 3 this newsletter covers student and staff achievements and student events. Wishing you all Season’s Greetings and a restful break.

MB ChB Programme Newsletter 2017-18

“What you said and what we did”

Every year we collect feedback from you about your experience of the MB ChB programme through a variety of channels. This document aims to summarise “what you said” and “what we did” about some of the feedback we received during the academic year 2017/18.

What You Said and What We Did- 2017

Galenicals Christmas Concert

On Saturday night, at St Paul’s Church on St Paul’s Road, the Galenicals Choir and Orchestra showed us the practical outworking of many students having Grade 8 music on their application forms. A fairly full church was treated to an evening of seasonal carols and orchestral pieces (though the Beach Boys’ “God Only Knows” and the Beatles’ “All you need is love” manged to sneak in as well. Richard O’Neal (on cello) and Ben Crawshaw (on clarinet) gave excellent solo performances. Audience participation was encouraged, and the evening finished with mince pies and mulled wine (warm). The quality of singing and playing was high and very enjoyable – thanks and recognition to Eleanor Hennebry, Performing Arts Director, Aaron Grice, Choir Musical Director, and  Hugh Dorward, Orchestra Musical Director.