Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists Medical Students Day


Designed by Medical Students for Medical Students, the RCOG has joined forces with the British Undergraduate Society for O&G (BUSOG) to create a day designed to give you a taste of what O&G has to offer, as well as offering tips on how to make the most of your undergraduate experience.

The day will feature lecture based presentations as well as advice zones on specific issues. There will also be hands-on workshops so you can try out some of the many practical aspects of O&G, facilitated by a selection of O&G’s Specialist Societies.

This event is free to attend, however you must register to secure your place.

A complimentary sandwich and refreshments will be provided

Who Should Attend?

  • Any medical students considering a career in obstetrics and gynaecology

For more information see the RCOG website:—medical-students-day-2018/

Gordon Stirrat Portfolio Prize

This is a new prize in RHCN (Year 4 O&G), endowed by Prof Gordon Stirrat, formerly Prof of O&G, Dean of Medicine and PVC. It is an annual prize for the best portfolio, but also requires good performance in written and SSC exams. For the academic year, 2016-2017, the prize has been won by Hannah Freer

Interactive teaching in Year 1 MB21

The new course for MB21 students follows a different model with case based learning. Yesterday, Year 1 students had a lecture interrupted deliberately by the Galenicals choir to complement Dr Trevor Thompson’s teaching on Arts in Medicine.

You can watch the video of the performance by clicking on the link below (you will need your UoB log in details and click ‘authenticate’):

RCGP annual conference

At the RCGP annual conference, our students and trainees were well represented. At the RCGP Inspiring the Future Awards Alexa Lazarou (Year 4, former GPSOC Chair) (on the right) was awarded joint RCGP Student of the Year and Hannah Niesser  (also Year 4, Current GPSOC Chair)(on the left) accepted the Award for ‘Best Event or Initiative’ on behalf of last year’s committee for our South West Regional GPSOC Conference.  Centre of the picture is GP Trainee, Dr Peter Edwards,  who was awarded first prize and highly commended for 2 posters at the Student and FY Poster Competition at the RCGP Annual Conference.

Knowledge, Nudge or Nanny: societal choices to encourage a healthy diet

12 October 2017, 6.00 PM – 12 October 2017, 8.30 PM

Professor Susan Jebb, University of Oxford

Great Hall, Wills Memorial Building

Poor diet is the leading risk factor in the UK for ill-health and premature death. But while the fundamental components of a healthy diet are well established – we need to consume less saturated fat, sugar and salt  and eat more fibre, fruit and vegetables – much less is known about effective interventions to improve the nation’s diet that will be acceptable to society. Actions to date have relied heavily on increasing knowledge and educating individuals to make better choices, but new research shows that most of what we eat is not the result of a deliberative process, but instead occurs below the level of conscious decision-making. This implies that nudges in the environment to change the default to a healthier alternative may be an important component to improve eating habits. But some question whether this will be enough.Is stronger policy action required – a nanny to protect  society from eating its way to an early grave?
Admission: Free, but requires booking in advance

Please note that registration will close on Tuesday 10th.

Contact information

MB ChB Newsletter – academic year 2017-18 No. 1

This newsletter covers recent publications and student achievements – pictures from Graduation, farewells to old professors, hello to new offspring and lots more including:

 Graduation 2017
 Student and Staff Achievements
 Conferences and Events
 National Student Survey results
 Staff Departures
 New medical Apps to use on your device
 Welcome to a new academic year

Please click on the following link to download the full newsletter: MB ChB Programme Newsletter 1 2017-18v.4